Automated Weekly Report for Hales Fit Fitness and Nutrition

Hales Fit, run by Haley Stegman, is a thriving personal training and nutrition coaching business. With over 50 active clients, Haley’s dedication to personalized training and attention to detail has built a loyal clientele.

The Challenge

Before working with Vanguard Solution, Haley’s Fridays were spent manually preparing and sending out weekly progress reports to each client. The process was time-consuming and involved:

  • Accessing each client’s profile individually
  • Reviewing and analyzing their workout data, sleep patterns, weight chart, cardio stats, and caloric intake
  • Manually calculating progress and drafting personalized messages for each client
  • Repeating the process for 50+ clients

This manual approach took hours of her time every week, making it difficult to focus on her core passion—training clients.

The Solution

Vanguard Solution stepped in with our Weekly Report Automation service. We developed a system that pulls client data from Haley’s fitness app, compiles it, and generates custom-branded progress reports automatically. Now, every Friday, Haley’s clients receive their personalized report cards within 8 minutes, without Haley having to touch a single client account.

Each report includes:

  • A comprehensive breakdown of fitness data, workout progress, sleep stats, and nutrition
  • A simple, one-line message summing up their week
  • A fully branded, professional layout delivered directly to the client’s app

Before automation, Haley spent over 5 hours every Friday on report generation. Now, she spends exactly 0 minutes touching client accounts!


Since implementing the automation system, Hales Fit has experienced:

  • Massive time savings: Haley no longer spends any time manually handling reports. Everything happens seamlessly in the background.
  • Professional and consistent communication: Clients receive visually appealing, data-rich reports that are both easy to read and highly motivating.
  • Increased client satisfaction: The automated reports have led to improved client engagement and retention, as clients can clearly track their progress week by week.

Haley used to spend 300 minutes generating reports every Friday. Now, reports are sent out 2,250% faster—all within just 8 minutes.

Want to automate your business processes and save hours each week?

Contact us today and let us handle the heavy lifting. Visit Automation For Personal Trainer to learn more!